Two word domain name combined from WP & Secrects. Short, catchy and Aged since 2017, this domain name will be perfectly match for selling digital products such as ebook, tutorial, or online workshop around wordpress (WP) utilization. Wordpress were the biggest cms in the online world, more than 75 millions website using wordpress as their cms.
WPSECRECTS.COM domain name appraisal by godaddy as much as $1,377 https://www.godaddy.com/domain-value-appraisal/appraisal/?checkAvail=1&tmskey=&domainToCheck=wpsecrets.com
Price reference* from reputable domain name marketplace :
wpcu.com sold $4,155
wpdesigner.com sold $7,300
wpeasy.com sold $1,902
wpcrew.com sold $1,250
wp7.com sold $2,000
wphq.com sold $8,000
wpmedia.com sold $1,200
wptiger.com sold $2,475
wpai.com sold $9,500
wpatom.com sold $10,000
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